
"I want to give this particular item to..."

When I think about heartfelt gifts I have received, my Grandma’s wedding ring instantly comes to mind. Grandma died before I was born but I enjoyed a very close and loving relationship with my Grandad (our eldest is named in his honour!). Having Grandma’s wedding ring gives me a tangible connection to her and an extra reminder of my Grandad. The ring has little monetary value but to me it’s priceless and irreplaceable.

A “specific gift” is a particular item gifted under your Will. You might choose to make a specific gift based on monetary value or practicality, but sentimental value can be an equally important consideration.

Do you want to make sure your daughter ends up with your wedding dress? Or maybe you watch the footy with your best mate each week and you have sports memorabilia you want them to have? This is a great opportunity for a specific gift.

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