Why do I need a Letter of Wishes?

A Letter of Wishes is a *super important* part of your estate plan [yet, doesn’t get the airtime of Wills – more big Letter of Wishes reveals in movies please!]

Your Will and Letter of Wishes are two different documents, with two different purposes.

Your Will is the formal document – it sets out how you want to gift your property and nominates people you know + trust to certain power positions.

Your Letter of Wishes is where you add your thoughts, stories, and feelings to your estate plan. The things that aren’t so legal-ish, yet crucial to ensure your loved ones thrive [coz’ your life is more than just a bit of paperwork].

Your Letter of Wishes is about setting your loved ones up for success in carrying out your wishes, and for their emotional + financial future.

Some things that might go in your Letter of Wishes…

  • parenting guidance – how to best soothe your kids, their interests/activities, allergies, education preferences
  • pets – care plans like what and when they eat, exercise, medications
  • body disposal – particulars of photos to be shared, music played, speeches given
  • letters of love – your life stories, expressions of love + gratitude, anecdotes
  • finances – guidance on managing assets, investments, and debts

There’s no rules when it comes to Letters of Wishes so what’s included is entirely up to you, reflecting your unique priorities and values.

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