Appoint a Testamentary Guardian to Protect Your Child’s Future

Who do you trust to parent your kids? It’s a BIG ask.

A testamentary guardian steps in to care for + made decisions for your kids if you die. Nominating a testamentary guardian in your Will is a big step to protect your child’s future.

1. Understanding the Role of a Testamentary Guardian

A testamentary guardian is a person appointed in your Will to assume legal responsibility for your child’s care and upbringing if you die before your child is 18 years of age.

The testamentary guardian has the daily care of your child, and also the power + responsibility to make decisions about your child’s long term care. This includes things like education, religion, healthcare, and who your child spends time with.

2. Protection and Stability for Your Child

By appointing a testamentary guardian in your Will, you’re nominating someone you know + trust to care for your child. 

If you DON’T nominate a guardian in your Will then you have no control over who steps in to parent your children.

3. Preserving Your Values and Wishes

Take a moment to reflect on your parenting style. What are your values, beliefs, and philosophies? Do you have religious or spiritual beliefs?

As part of finalising your estate plan, we recommend talking with guardians about your wishes for how you want your children to be raised. Recording your wishes and guidance in a Letter of Wishes also helps set everyone up for success – your guardian has a written record of your wishes to refer to and your kids have continuity of care.

4. Minimise Family Disputes

By appointing a testamentary guardian in your Will and discussing your wishes with loved ones, you’re getting everyone on the same page and minimising the chance of conflict after death. Taking proactive steps now can save your loved ones from unnecessary stress, emotional strain, and potential estrangement during an already difficult time.

Ready to get your estate plan sorted? Head to ‘request a booking‘ to get started now. 

‘The Complete Testamentary Guardian Workbook’ is for you if you want to:

  • safeguard your child’s future
  • know the what, who, and why of testamentary guardians
  • questionnaire included to find the best guardian for your family
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